convert currency Rate to buy Rate to sell USDEURGBPRUBCNYJPYKRWAUDCHFCADSGDSEKTRYHKDNZDTHBAUGAGGMNT From value → USDEURGBPRUBCNYJPYKRWAUDCHFCADSGDSEKTRYHKDNZDTHBAUGAGGMNT To value Non Cash Exchange Date: Load Currency Mongol Bank In non cash In cash Buy Sell Buy Sell USD United States Dollar 3424.61 3417.00 3425.00 3417.00 3442.00 EUR Euro 3525.64 3465.00 3542.00 3465.00 3560.00 GBP Great Britian Pound 4208.16 4135.00 4214.00 4135.00 4235.00 RUB Russian Ruble 33.57 31.60 35.30 30.02 35.70 CNY Chinese Yuan 467.04 464.50 467.50 464.50 469.80 JPY Japanese Yen 21.62 21.52 21.86 21.46 21.97 KRW South Korean Won 2.34 2.33 2.39 2.25 2.41 AUD Australian Dollar 2120.52 2069.00 2143.00 2061.00 2154.00 CHF Swiss Franc 3752.59 3686.00 3777.00 3671.00 3777.00 CAD Canadian Dollar 2377.62 2353.00 2392.00 2344.00 2404.00 SGD Singapore Dollar 2500.54 2474.00 2517.00 2464.00 2530.00 SEK Swedish Krona 307.13 298.00 313.00 289.00 313.00 TRY Turkish Lira 96.68 94.00 100.00 93.00 104.00 HKD Hong Kong Dollar 439.93 438.00 441.00 436.00 443.00 NZD New Zealand Dollar 1913.67 1867.00 1941.00 1860.00 1951.00 THB Thai Baht 98.92 96.50 100.70 94.60 101.70 AUG Gold /grams/ 294638.29 295678.16 0.00 295678.16 0.00 AGG Silver /grams/ 3333.75 3121.99 0.00 3121.99 0.00 Above rates are only for indicative purposes and the currency exchange transaction either at the branch or over internet banking will be made at current announced rate of the bank. For any inquiries related to exchange rate or other issues, please contact us by following phone numbers 976-11-319708, 976-11-319709. Exchange rate chart Currency: United States DollarEuroGreat Britian PoundRussian RubleChinese YuanJapanese YenSouth Korean WonAustralian DollarSwiss FrancCanadian DollarSingapore DollarSwedish KronaTurkish LiraHong Kong DollarNew Zealand DollarThai BahtGold /grams/Silver /grams/ Duration