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Prepaid interest term

Interest on your savings will be credited to your checking account every month.


Interest rate

Prepaid interest term / MNT

Monthly interest payout

Term6 months9 months12 months18 months24 months
Monthly interest0.77%0.83%0.97%0.98%0.98%
Annual interest9.2%10.0%11.6%11.7%11.8%
Minimum balance

5,000,000 ₮


Interest payout in advance (Before term)

Term6 months12 months
Monthly interest0.76%0.92%
Annual interest9.1%11.0%
Minimum balance

50,000,000 ₮


  • Customer cannot deposit and withdraw money and cancel the agreement prior to the maturity date.
  • For customers who have built financially stable relationship with the bank, up to 3 percent/p.a/ can be added to publicly announced interest rate on 3 to 36 months of term deposit that is newly opened or extended with minimum balance of 50 million MNT /50,000 USD/ in Ulaanbaatar or 20 million MNT /20,000 USD/ in rural area under permission of head of relevant department and unit


Open an account: 
No fee
Non-cash deposit transaction: 
No fee
Cash deposit: 
No fee
Saving book's fee: 
Minimum balance: 
Close an account: 

Prepaid interest term / USD

Monthly interest payout

Term6 months9 months12 months
Monthly interest




Annual interest




Minimum balance

5,000 $


Interest payout in advance (Before term)

Term6 months9 months
Monthly interest



Annual interest



Minimum balance

20,000 $


  • Customer cannot deposit and withdraw money and cancel the agreement prior to the maturity date.
  • For customers who have built financially stable relationship with the bank, up to 3 percent/p.a/ can be added to publicly announced interest rate on 3 to 36 months of term deposit that is newly opened or extended with minimum balance of 50 million MNT /50,000 USD/ in Ulaanbaatar or 20 million MNT /20,000 USD/ in rural area under permission of head of relevant department and unit


Open an account: 
No fee
Non-cash deposit transaction: 
No fee
Cash deposit: 
No fee
Saving book's fee: 
Minimum balance: 
3,000 MNT (equivalent amount USD) 
Required document

Mongolian citizens:  

  • Passport or National ID Card /National ID Card reference is equivalent/ 

Foreigner citizens:

  • Passport
  • Residence card in Mongolia

     o Not required in case of travel visa         

     o Foreign nationals arriving in the context of business are not required if there is a contract or job description confirming the activity


You can open a savings account at any branch or settlement center of the Trade Development Bank near you or by using the TDB Online Internet Banking application.

Customers can register for the TDB Online service through the "Register as a Customer" menu on the website. After that, open a savings account through your internet bank.

Extend your deposit term at any branch or settlement center of Trade and Development Bank.

Prepaid interest deposits cannot be canceled before the term.


It is not possible to earn money on prepaid interest deposits.


Би хэдийг хуримтлуулж чадах вэ?

Savings Period

Monthly Contribution

  • Хугацааны эцэст
  • Сар бүр
  • Улирал бүр
  • Хагас жил бүр
  • Жил бүр
  • Өдөр бүр
  • 7 хоног бүр
  • Хагас сар бүр
  • Сар бүр
  • Улирал бүр

  • Хугацааны эцэст
  • Сар бүр
  • Улирал бүр
  • Хагас жил бүр
  • Жил бүр
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly

  • Хугацааны эцэст
  • Сар бүр
  • Улирал бүр
  • Хагас жил бүр
  • Жил бүр