TDB has been successfully implementing various projects and programs aimed at investing future of young generations to become as healthy and knowledgeable Mongolian citizen. One example is that TDB initiated and planned to encourage students’ education by developing as well as enriching libraries of general education schools. The final shift of the project is included the following schools.
3rd school of Mandal, Selenge province
33rd school of Ulaanbaatar city
The Mongolian-Russian joint school
4th school of Ulaanbaatar city.
The book selection was made at the request of the school teachers and librarians, and in addition to the important and useful booklets to develop students' education there were also many books for the development of teachers’ skills. The bookcase with the same shape as the map of Mongolia is a symbol of "preparing and teaching knowledgeable citizens of Mongolian”. Since May 2018, the project contributed significantly to the education of more than 50,000 students.